

Sexual abuse by clergy is a rampant disease that has impacted virtually every country today.  In the old days, these deviants got away with it.  In many instances, they found protection and comfort in the arms of the church.  Fortunately, those days are over.  Society is starting to apply more and more scrutiny to sex abuse allegations.  Remember, sunlight is always the best disinfectant.  Many courageous survivors of abuse have decided to step forward and bring the allegations to light.  This is very empowering on many levels, and has a profound impact on the culture.  If you know someone who has been abused or is currently being abused by her clergy, you can help them get the justice they deserve. Definition of a priest abuse lawyer? A priest abuse lawyer is a professional that is highly trained to handle clergy sexual assaults allegations. These professionals are committed to bringing justice to victims that were being or are still abused by their priest. The clergy abuse lawyers a
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